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Impeach President Bush Now


[045505:090108] L.C., Dry Ridge, KY
I have been a epublican for over 60 years. I voted for this person and now I regret it. Impeach him!


[091808:072608] b.W., Smyrna, GA
Impeach Bush and Cheney NOW!!! DEFEND our Constitution and our rights!!! REVERSE all the orders and laws he put in place in the name of protecting the american people. They started the war on false pretenses. Iraq nor Saddam had nothing to do with Al- Qaeda. Bin Laden supposedly was behind 9/11. Supposedly that is another reason for the invasion of Iraq. Well, I can about guarantee you that Bin Laden is no where in Iraq. About the WMDs, by definition, none were found,however, another way to look at it is...there was one found...OIL....that's the only reason they invaded Iraq. Also, I believe it is reason behind the rise in gas and food prices!!! Look what they have done to our economy....printing more money is not the answer. They have shaken our self-respect and dignity to be an american citizen. You as a representative of the people have the power to make a difference. RESTORE the CONSTITUTION!!


[071901:062008] M.L., Memphis, TN
8 years of heartless idiocy is enough!!!!!!!! He should be tried for murder for all those soliders lives for a war that should have never been. impeachment is the only way we can save what's left of our country!!!!!!


[124327:061408] M.C., Newport, TN
Call me today as I have more than enough legal evidence to IMPEACH HIM TODAY!


[172352:061108] L.b., Hopedale, MA
We need to really make this happen, the (texas) tea has been pushed into Boston Harbor!!! By the actions of this puppet president, who's only actions for the last seven years has been to prefect plans for the fleecing of the American people through the puppet strings of the behemoth oil monopolies. Although he thinks he's fooling everyone with his dopy good old boy grinds and laughs, this really sad act has gotten very old and it fools NO ONE. Does he seriously think no one knows that when gets out of office, all of his frozen assets mostly, oil related, will have made the bush clan extremely wealthy. So in the mean time as he cries crocodile tears and expresses his concerns for the impact oil prices are having on hardworking Americans he continues to look the other way when it comes to allowing his minions and regulators to perform the same nation wide Enron scam which he helped nurture and perfect in California. It would have brought a tear to the eye of the last puppet president Herbert Hoover and his Republican Hooverville- homeless camps, just like the current Commander-in-Puppet president is trying his best to have reappear today.


[152710:040408] B.L., Frazier Park, CA
I believe Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney lied to the American people, killed 1000's of US citizens and 10's of 1000's Iraq citizens for their own selfish greed. They must be impeached to keep future leaders from doing the same.


[220529:021708] L.P., Las Vegas, NV
President Bush needs to be held acountable for all the injustices he has done and the defamation of the US. This will be the first step to "right all the wrong-doing". A lot of Americans would love to see him impeached and are angry that nothing is being done. It's like watching OJ Simpson get away with murder. The will of the people should be recognized.


[090147:021208] R.T., Edgewater, FL
I feel the President and his cohorts should be impeached BEFORE he can leave office, is ,according to our founders, the prime responsibility and recourse of the poeple, and its elected officials. Anyone spearheading this would find great favor in the eyes of (according to msnbc's poll) 89.2% of the voting public. 89.2% is a huge amt, in fact more poeple believe wrestling is unscripted then believe bush should not be impeached. Anyone stopping or voting against such a measure might as well retire from politics after 2008. Its a shame that money is more valued then principles, even when the dollar isn't worth very much.


[113735:120407] D.S., Salyer, CA
Today the CIA has published that Iran dismantled their nuclear weapons program in 2005. Bush and Cheney continue to call for war against them regardless of the facts. Exactly like Iraq, they are trying to lie us into war. If you allow this to go forward you are a traitor. If you don't work hard to STOP this you're an ineffective gelded slave to the system. Either way you yourself needs impeachment for failing to uphold the Constitution of the United States.



[193952:091007] J.A., Putnam Valley, NY
Don't forget Dick Cheney - impeach him too! Impeach him FIRST!


[080736:081107] J.C., Seattle, WA
Where is the courage and obligation to protect the Republic and Constitution of the United States? Our inaction has created excess abuse of executive powers, and a blatant disregard for the laws and people of this land. Please uphold your own duties to this country!


[194014:072207] M.K., Eaton Rapids, MI
I believe that no more soldiers or innocent Iraqi Men, Women or Children should die because of an unjust, illegal war. For that reason and the fact that George Bush does not listen to the people of the United States and their wishes, I believe he and Dick Cheney should be impeached. It's time for Congress to fufill the promise of the November elections to stop the war in Iraq, and the only assurance we have that they will actually do that is if we CONTINUE to call and write them, again and again, until they finally realize we in fact expect them to do it.


[164648:071807] J.B., Poughkeepsie, NY
Now is the time for the people of the United States to have their say in Washington. Bush and Cheney both have committed acts that warrant impeachment and when you consider that more of this country is in favor of impeachment than not, I see no reason why impeachment couldn't work. If Bush and Cheney are not impeached and this administration is not recognized for the lies and inadequate service they have done for this country, then this congress can be considered a disgrace. The Bush administration needs to be held accountable whether or not impeachment follows through. It is this congress's constitutional duty to represent the will of its people and the will of Americans says impeachment.


[205205:071607] L.S., Louisville, CO
Please impeach President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney so that we may restore our democracy and protect our constitution. For too long our country has suffered under this administration and the citizenry must be heard. Thank you.


[204558:071607] N.L., Louisville, CO
Please impeach George W. Bush and protect our freedom and democracy from his negligent and wrongful administration now.


[204137:071607] A.S., Louisville, CO
Our consitutional freedoms are in danger from the constant barrage of lawlessness eminating from the Bush/Cheney administration. Please save our democracy and impeach these two criminals now.


[212736:071307] m.d., New York, NY
All we are missing is the courage to act out of concern for the republic and the Constitution, trumping concern for elections, funding etc. The Congress simply needs to take a stand firmly and forthrightly. Most informed politicians as well as the citizenry know the reasons. Action now will mean the next administration will commence with the excess powers trimmed away from the current one's wild expansion, and will begin to govern in an appropriate manner.


[085639:052607] T.C., Eudora, KS
Bush declared that in the event of a "Catastrophic Emergency" the President will be entrusted with leading the activities to ensure constitutional government. He is going to use this form of martial law to maintain his position in the Presidental office. If he declares war on Iran...than we will never get him out of office!


[091322:040507] J.S., Ottawa, KS
President Bush took us to war on the basis of "facts" he knew or should have known had no credible supporting evidence. His administration used a fraud, misrepresentation and half-truths to obtain legislative approval for war, a high crime which warrants impeachment and/or indictment of all those involved.

If Congress thought it appropriate to impeach Pres. Clinton, the facts here present a far more compelling case for such action.


[082954:031707] B.L., Minneapolis, MN
I do not vote along party lines. Our America is in dire need of honest leaders in our executive branch. How many more young men and women must die in Iraq for a war that was so unnecessary.? Why is this regime destroying the middle class?
Why is our healthcare so lacking especially for children? Why was the senior prescription plan sold out to the drug companies? We are hated world wide - does that make us SAFER? Why are our school children falling behind academically? Selling us out to Dubai! Selling us out to Halliburtin. The only ones benefitting from this administration are the richest of the rich. And they call themselves Christian...


[100940:031607] M.G., Vineland, NJ
The only way to stop the war the trumped up war by Bush and Cheney is to IMPEACH Bush and Cheney TODAY. DO IT NOW. MMG


[184009:031407] A.G., Amity, OR
King George wasn't good for the people in 1776, and he isn't good for the people now.


[165927:031407] C.V., Minneapolis, MN
Please fulfill your sworn duty to defend the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights against their most egregious enemies - George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

What further crimes will it take to convince you they must be tried and removed from office?


[174017:022207] g.v., Clearlake, CA
Please impeach the president , Bush Bankrupt US, this is insane and so is a war like this. The Us should also be held accountable in a international tribunal of all counrties participating equally.


[114030:021107] P.D., Sebastopol, CA
In truth, the only action that one who truly represents the people of the U.S. can take is to move to impeach. Otherwise what are the consequences of the most horrifying destruction that has been perpetrated on the country, indeed, the world, since Hitler put the Jews into trains on their way to the camps? Tell me what is the difference?
