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The President Can Require Federal Contractors To Disclose Their Poltical Contributions
What Congress has still been unwilling to agree on, that all political contributors must disclose their political contributions, President Obama can by executive order at least require federal contractors to do.

Even Justice Anthony Kennedy, who wrote the Citizens United opinion concedes that disclosure, the only counterbalance to the storm surge of money flooding our political system, is "not working the way it should."

What's truly astonishing about Justice Kennedy's recent comments is that the man who fully unleashed all of this is still not clear on the fact that the Citizens United case was about a movie, NOT a book.

Even President Obama's vice president, Joe Biden, had these strong words to say: "I believe the huge sums of unlimited and secret money pouring into our politics is a fundamental threat to our democracy."

So while ultimately only a constitutional amendment can cure all the ills, President Obama has the authority right now to stop the corruption in the award of government contracts, and should do so immediately.

The one click form below will send your personal message (together with the petition text above) to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "The President Can Require Federal Contractors To Disclose Their Poltical Contributions." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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Friends of Citizens United, The Movie:

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