1. MILLION FAX MARCH ACTION PAGE: (sends e-faxes for you, just submit the form)
                  Investigate American Crossroads
                  [Submit This Form To Send This FAX Message To Congress And The President]

                  I am one of the 85% of Americans who do not want corporations buying our elections. Therefore, I am requesting that you condemn and investigate a new organization created by Karl Rove called American Crossroads ("AC"). As you know, Mr. Rove has been involved with dirty tricks and election manipulations since his days in the Nixon Administration. During the Bush Administration, he was implicated in the Brooks Brothers riot during the Florida 2000 recount, the stealing of Alabama Governor Don Siegelman’s 2000 election, the 2004 Ohio election debacle, the missing White House emails, the unethical targeting of U.S. Attorneys, the illegal outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame and even the death of Bush election IT guru Michael Connell, among many other things.

                  Mr. Rove created AC in order to sideline the Republican National Committee ("RNC") and take advantage of the 2010 Supreme Court ruling in Citizens United that allowed unlimited corporate funding of elections. Press reports indicate that AC is planning to amass and spend at least $52 million this year to support candidates friendly to Big Business, all without disclosure or accountability.

                  I, believe, based on Mr. Rove’s sordid history and the corrupting influence of secret money, that AC will engage in unethical and illegal activity during this election season. In fact, AC’s hostile takeover of the duties of the RNC without the concomitant regulatory accountability appears to be illegal on its face. Also, the payment to AC of tens of millions in secret funding from corporate CEO’s, without board or shareholder approval and without disclosure, smacks of money laundering and campaign finance violations. Indeed, for more than 100 years, federal law has prohibited corporate donations to candidates and political action committees. As you know, Citizens United did not do away with these common sense campaign finance regulations, or disclosure regulations and limits on foreign donations.

                  Only a robust investigation of AC will uncover whether AC is complying with federal (and state) laws. I want to know which corporations are funding AC and the candidates running for election. I want to know that foreign corporations and individuals are not seeking to control our elected representatives by funneling money through AC. I want to be sure that since AC is acting in the shoes of the RNC that it is also complying with the regulations that govern the RNC. I want to be sure that corporations are not making direct contributions to the AC PAC or using AC to funnel corporate donations to candidates.

                  Please announce or call for an investigation of American Crossroads as soon as possible in order to protect democracy, our elections, and the rule of law.

                  The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Investigate American Crossroads." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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                   Both my U.S. senators    My member of the U.S. House  
                   President Obama
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                  Next add your own personal message on the subject:
                  All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste. If one of your recipients is also a newspaper there is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your local newspaper if that option is selected above.

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