Open The Health Care Conference Committee To Public Scrutiny (H.Res.847)
It's not just the Republicans who have been shut out of the debate to set national health care policy. The American people have been completely shut out as well. This goes all the way back to the beginning of the process, when activists were arrested and hauled out of the Senate Finance committee for protesting the preemptive exclusion of any discussion of Single Payer (Medicare for all) as a basis for reform.

Now we hear that they don't even plan on having a conference committee to reconcile the weak bill passed by the House with the total insurance industry sell out passed by the Senate. No, they are just going to make another back room deal and install the Senate version by fiat. Even our House of Representatives is to be shut out unless they entirely capitulate as well.

We all know the Republicans just want to obstruct the process, whether the bill is good or bad. But shame on the Democrats, shame, shame, shame, for giving the Republicans good cause for doing so. And shame on us, if for our own partisan reasons we do not protest this outrage. The public's business must be conducted in the full light of day. [H.Res.847 Text]

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